In Poor Taste

The mobile phone has caused many a sportsperson a headache in recent times following a tweet in the heat of the moment. Some have had unfortunate photographs taken of them on other people’s phones but how many have copped a

Will Arrests Lead to Global Change?

For many football fans the arrest of FIFA officials in Zurich yesterday was the best news they had received for a very long time. Yet just like organised crime it appears that the “Godfather” of football, the man at the

Is A Premier League Move the Right One?

In the early hours of this morning Swindon Town proved that its no good having possession in sport unless you use it. They dominated possession against Play off rivals Preston North End, but the difference was with the small amount

Sacrificing the Olympic Dream

So many Athletes dream of the Olympics and many have that dream shattered by coaches, but how many sacrifice that Olympic dream over a principle and shocking administration, from the sport’s governing body. Basketball Australia should hang their heads in

Vale Ernie Hannigan

It was very sad to hear of the passing of Ernie Hannigan last night. Those who knew Ernie know that he was a rare breed. Meeting him one would never know his achievements because he had a humility that is