Women Deserve An Equal Opportunity, They’ve earned it.

Four years ago after making the documentary about the two Aboriginal footballers in the Australian Matildas side, “No Apologies” I urged the FFA to invest in the women’s game as this particulat group of young ladies had the potential to

Confined to Barracks?

Booing at sporting events has been big news in Australia this week. In truth there would be very few fans who have not at some point at one sporting event issued a boo. This writer readily admits booing referees or

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

Just as there are more people who claim to have been at “The Miracle Match” at the WACA in 1976, the inverse is it can be just as hard to find people who admit to voting for a political leader

The Long Resignation

Following the arrests of some of FIFA’s top executives almost three months ago many fans of the world game felt sure that change was just around the corner. Nothing could be further than the truth. It is totally sickening to

Questions over “Any Questions” Tweet

It is often said that the drug testing technology cannot keep up with those looking to gain an illegal advantage in sport. Is the same true of some sports administrators? It may not be any fault of their own, as