Trials An Error?

Currently wherever you look it appears that National Premier League clubs are holding trials for all of their junior sides. The aim is to try and find some uncut diamond that will bring them success, before possibly being poached by

Mountainous Men Make Marketing a Challenge

Rugby, a game for all shapes and sizes. Well, it used to be, now you simply have to be huge. Rugby was always a unique sport in that if you were short and fat and found running tiresome there was

Wellington Get The Boot

As of next season the A-League will be a solely Australian affair. The Board of the Football Federation of Australia has announced today that it “has determined that an application from Wellington Phoenix for a 10-year licence extension to compete

A Real Test

Cricket is synonymous with all that is true and honest in life, or it was. ‘It’s just not cricket’ has for years referred to having something that is unjust, or just plain wrong done to someone or something. ‘To play

“The Rest” Don’t Understand

Perth Glory’s tag line for the 2015/16 A League season is “The West v the Rest.” Questionable as to why a sporting club would need such a thing, but understandable that Perth Glory would try and create such a siege