Tell Us Why You Are Not Watching Glory

Yesterday’s post caused quite a stir, when we looked at the dwindling fans going through the turnstiles at Perth Glory games. (Fans Continue to Stay Away). I have been accused of going on a witch-hunt and pushing a personal agenda;

All Aboard the Coaching Merry-Go-Round

Football Management has to be one of the craziest professions and one wonders why anyone would want to go into it at the highest level, so precarious is your job security; although the pay outs when sacked are pretty comforting,

Fans Continue to Stay Away

They say that fans talk with their feet and if that is the case Perth Glory Fans are currently screaming at the top of their voice, yet no one seems to be listening. After the debacle that was last season,

No More A-League Handouts. Time to Support The NPL and State Leagues

It cannot have come as a surprise to new Football Federation of Australia Chairman Steven Lowy that before he had time to slip  off his shoes under the desk of his new role the owners of the A-League clubs came

Cash or Career?

“If you have half a chance of playing at the highest level you should go over there and test yourself against the best. Ultimately that is going to help Australia perform.” Harry Kewell is quoted as saying in an article