Are City The Model Team?

Whether Manchester City becomes the biggest football club in the world in the next ten years we will have to wait and see, but one thing is for sure if they do, it will be down to careful planning, and

FIFA Underwhelms

The FIFA Presidential elections came and went last week and essentially proved a major anti-climax. There is a new face at the top of the game globally, Gianni Infantino, but what radical reforms are on the table if any? Where

Keeping Up With Jones

Eddie Jones has never received the credit he deserves in Australia, although occasionally when he succeeds overseas a nation basks in reflected glory. The reason being he did not win the Rugby World Cup, even though he and his players

Is Money the Root of Evil, and Is it Killing Team Spirit?

For a long time many sports fans have been disgusted by the amounts of money the top players are paid to perform, and entertain. Others will argue that their time at the top is short so they deserve to make

Should Asian Players Be a Part of Hockey India League’s Expansion?

The Hockey India League 2016 came to a close on Sunday with Jaypee Punjab Warriors, who had lost the last two finals in a shoot out, finally lifting the trophy following a 6-1 – Field Goals being worth two –