Actions Would Mean More Than Words

When the Football Federation of Australia unveiled its Strategic plan for 2016-2019 this week the CEO, David Gallop was quoted as saying “Results at youth international level matter, but not as much as finding the next generation of stars to

Brazil Nuts?

There was a film in the 1980’s called ‘Blame it on Rio’ starring Sir Michael Caine and a young Demi Moore where the city was blamed for making men behave irrationally; in this case the older Michael has an affair

Real Strategy or Just Politics?

On the eve of the Football Federation of Australia (FFA) releasing its Strategic Plan for 2016-19, Australian icon Tim Cahill hit out at the game’s governing body accusing them of “wasted opportunities” and a “lack of vision.” It has been

All We Can Know Is That We Know Nothing.

If Russian sport was on the ropes following its doping allegations in the world of Athletics the news that its pin-up girl in the world of Tennis, Maria Sharapova, has failed a drug test while participating at the Australian Open,

Podcast #14 – Olympic Expectations and How Hard Gold is To Win

Our apologies that it has been a while between shows but we have had poor internet connections in India and bush fires in Perth to contend with, but finally John and Ashley were able to sit down and mull over