Limit Gimmicks

Sports fans in the main are traditionalists. Many like to see sport remain comparable to days gone by so that feats and records continue to have meaning. Sports administrators are constantly striving to attract more people to their particular sport,

Check Mate or Just Check?

What is a sport and what is a game? A question we have often asked on the show. One guest defined it thus, a sport is when the participant works up a sweat. Some may say that some mental games

Taking the Game Global

There was an irony in Ipoh, Malaysia this week as the International Hockey Federation conferred a posthumous award on the late Sultan Azlan Shah. The FIH awarding him the “Members of Honour” award to recognise his years of dedicated service

Should Testing Net Be Widened?

For those who listen to our podcasts, you may recall the topic of all supplies of Meldonium, the drug that Maria Sharapova had taken that is now on the banned list sold out on the internet within 48 hours. Many

Sportsmanship Alive and Well

Playing the game in the right spirit should be something that is commonplace, but sadly in today’s world when we witness acts of sportsmanship they stand out. Yesterday at the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup in Ipoh, Malaysia, Australia played arch