The Brexit Impact on British Sport – Opportunity or Catastrophe?

A lot of jokes have been made about England’s well choreographed exit from Europe coinciding with their exit from the Euros, but football is in fact the sport most likely to suffer due to the referendum result. Football has the

For Love Not Money

In Modern day sport it is almost unthinkable that New Zealand’s All Blacks or Brazil’s football team would find themselves without a sponsor, especially on the eve of a major tournament. Yet sadly arguably Australia’s most successful sporting team the

Sharing the Success and the Pride

Formations do not win football matches. Many have become obsessed with systems and structures in recent years but the European Championships have shown that a good team will beat an over structured side. This has been the tournament for the

Honesty Counts For One Penalty Stroke

It was Hollywood actress Katherine Hepburn who said “If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.” Now rules are there to be adhered to or else all hell breaks loose, however it is time that some rules

The Umpire is Always Right – Even When He is Wrong

Last night after a thrilling final between India and Australia the 36th edition of the Champions Trophy came to a very unsatisfactory close. India playing in their first final at a major tournament in 36 years took the game to