Power the Most Corruptive Drug in Sport

Is it time for change in World Sport? The Olympic Games, although only a few days old have already shown how horribly out of touch some of those governing sport are with the fans of the sports they represent, as

Two Into One Does Go

They say that you can’t put a square peg into a round hole, but it appears that you can put two rectangular sports into a glass box. News that Perth Glory have moved into the wonderful facility built by the

Australia’s Hockey Grail – On Sale

Every four years the Kookaburras head off to the Olympic Games expected to return with a gold medal. The expectation is possibly warranted as they have been ranked in the top four men’s hockey teams in the world for the

Podcast #20 – Gymnastics Closure At WAIS and Russia’s Ban Are Under The Spotlight

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It came as a shock to many when the Chief Executive of the Western Australian Institute of Sport, Stephen Lawrence, announced that they were closing down the gymnastics program. On this show we catch up with the woman who set

The 30 Million Dollar Question

Sadly the sport of boxing is littered with fighters who did not know when it was time to hang up the gloves. This year we all mourned the passing of “The Greatest,” Muhammed Ali. Another fighter who did not know