Podcast #23 – A Schoolgirl’s All Australian Selection and So Much More

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Time for another Podcast, and on this show John and Ashley look back on the Olympics and the Paralympics and have differing opinions as to whether the two should merge or be held at different venues. Our guest on this

Time to Reform is an Opportunity For Change

News overnight that the Football Federation Australia has bowed to demands for reform from FIFA and the AFC, which should result in A-League clubs have a bigger say in the way forward and the running of the game in Australia

Who Removed the Plaque?

Football fans know that constantly decisions are made that are baffling on and off the pitch. Some are simply infuriating. The news coming out of Old Trafford this month that the brass plaque that had for many years marked the

Stand Alone A-League Will Be A Game Changer

We have all read about the delegation from FIFA and the AFC arriving in Australia this week as part of a fact-finding mission to look at instigating changes to FFA’s constitution. The ulterior motive is believed to be to have

Is Etiquette Dead?

American footballer Colin Kaepernick caused a stir the world over when he decided not to stand for the US National anthem before a pre-season game against the Green Bay Packers The controversial San Francisco 49ers’s quarterback once again knelt down