Is It Time to Go Back to Basics?

Why do we play sport? The answer will vary depending on whom you talk to. Some will say because of the competition, some will say to keep fit. To be a part of a team and the friendships you will

Academies Filling the Void in Schools

When we see the face of a child we it invariably makes us think of the future. In most cases it makes us want to ensure a positive future. When the Football Federation of Australia was created in 2005, from

New National Premier League – The Move That Had to Happen

All sport essentially belongs to the people who play it, coach it, officiate it, and watch it. So why is it that many who are privileged to work within the sporting world seek to gain personally from that involvement? Why

Two to Go In Super Rugby?

Sometimes bigger is not better. Super Rugby has found that out the hard way. Instead of learning the lessons from the competitions in Europe, who soon realised when the game went professional that too much rugby was harmful to the

Knowing Your Rights Can Pay Dividends

When “New Football” was created, the new structure, the new people, the new clubs and the new state bodies, it was agreed that the game in Australia needed stability in those early years. For that stability there had to be