Women Seeking Equality

It was back in 1999 that the ABC’s Media watch program broke the ‘Cash for Comments’ story. In it they revealed that high profile radio personalities had been paid for making favourable comments on air about certain major businesses. There

The Glory’s Best Imports?

Perth Glory hosted the 20th edition of their end of season awards, the Most Glorious Player awards at the weekend, but with the Media Manager having left last week did not manage to organise a press release to go out

Podcast #35 – Extreme Hockey Dribbling, The A-League Grand Final and IAAF

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It has been a crazy fortnight in sport in Australia, and so much to discuss, but we restrict ourselves to two topics in detail and one guest; a few other subjects do in fact get airtime! On this show we

It All Comes Down to Money

Sport is now a business, no matter what level you participate. Just as in the business world some clubs are full time professional outfits, others are part-time, and many are run from home. Yet no matter which category you fall

We Are Made By History

Why is it that in today’s world those running not just sport are prepared to put forward ill-conceived ideas and genuinely believe that people are going to accept their preposterous suggestions? Maybe because some people are simply happy to go