Hopefully History Will Not Repeat

News that there may be no Hockey India League in 2018 seemed to send the Hockey world into shock. After all this was the blue riband hockey event away from Internationals. It was a high calibre competition attracting the best

One Day You Are In, The Next You Are Out.

They say a week is a long time in Politics, but it would appear much can change in a month in sport. On June 11th the International Hockey Federation (FIH) announced the nine men’s and women’s teams that were selected

Nothing Without Passion

Bernard Tomic’s recent comments have many hot under the collar, but once again do they come as a surprise? Tomic is simply another example of a modern athlete receiving all the rewards before they have actually achieved anything. Tomic may

Where Does Western Australia Stand?

When Football West finally held their AGM for 2016 in March 2017 issues were raised as to whether the Standing Committees and Zone reps were in fact representing the stakeholders. It was hoped that this would be a seminal moment

No HIL, Equals Hockey In Limbo

There will be no Hockey India League in 2018, if word out of India is correct. It is believed that last week Hockey India sent notice to the International Hockey Federation (FIH) to advise that there would be no League