NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.

First of all apologies for the time between podcasts but a family bereavement too priority. So this show is slightly longer than normal. We are sure that you will find that it was well worth the wait as we have a fantastic guest lined up who is asking you to Unthink, and chaneg teh way you do things in life, but that could easily be transferred to sport.

That special guest is Great Britain Olympian and Hockey medallist Sarah Thomas. Sarah has transitioned into the business world and along with German hockey international Janne Muller Weiland and Ross McClelland has set up a compnay called Unthink a company that has been Shortlisted for Start-Up Entrepreneur of the Year 2024 in Great Britain.

The company was born out of the Covid pandemic and is now making great inroads into the business world and is trying to change the traditional learning processes, hence the name. In our conversation we look at how having been involved in sport at the highest level and in a team environment this could well be introduced in a high performance environment. The whole idea of changing the way things are done in business is proving refreshing. Trust and respcect for those you work with have come to the fore, and the fact that you do not have to like them. It is a really refreshing approach, and after listening we are sure that you are going to want to go on the dirt tracks rather than the highway.

In the topics under discussion John and Ashley look back at the Olympics and being of an older generation both felt like many that this year’s event was lacking something. Was it simply that there are too many events and it is almost impossible to stay across them all? Was it the actual coverage we as viewers were shown? Ashley touches on the success of African athletes, and how many are not representing African nations. Breakdancing also is discussed and how many in the sport did not want it to be a part of the Olympic Games, and Rachel Gunn’s academic paper is well worth aread on this topic. Also a white ball on a blue pitch in sulight was never a good idea.

John then looks at the commercial that was running in Australia to convince the public that they need to stand up to the Government in relation to anti-siphoning regulations. Is this really a push for the people of Australia or one purely for the TV Stations to make more money.

“Not the footy show podcast number 130. A podcast that looks at sports from all angles of the game, athletes, administration and more.”

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NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.
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