Rugby Union

Managing or Coaching? Or a Combination of the Two?

The late Shane Warne famously quipped “a coach is something you get on to travel to and from the ground.” The dig was aimed at Australian cricket coach John Buchanan. On another occasion he was reported as saying that “Coaching

Telling a Story, But Is It The One Fans Want to Hear?

“That is not the narrative we are trying to promote.” These were words uttered by a media manager in sport in the past month. Is this is what is wrong with sport today? People trying to tell a story that

Terms of Entitlement

Anyone who plays or has played sport knows that nothing is ever certain. There are no guarantees. Although it would appear that in recent times we have created an environment in which some individuals believe that there are indeed guarantees.

Is Perth Glory’s New Ownership Continuing Where The Old Left Off?

For Perth Glory fans the A-League has been a tough ride. Having been the leading side in the last years of the National Soccer League, at the end one of only two full time professional clubs, and arguably one of

National Pride On The Line

What we refer to as National Anthems today were initially called Royal Anthems, and they were played for the Monarchs of the various European nations. The Dutch National Anthem Willhelmus was written between 1568 and 1572 during the Dutch Revolt