
Podcast #36 – A Young Western Australian Looks Back On A First Season in England, The Western Force, and Sharing the Spoils

Not the Footy Show Podcast

There has certainly been plenty to talk about in sport of late, and much of it happening off the pitch. Which gives us plenty to discuss. On this show our guest is another young Western Australian that backed himself and

Podcast #35 – Extreme Hockey Dribbling, The A-League Grand Final and IAAF

Not the Footy Show Podcast

It has been a crazy fortnight in sport in Australia, and so much to discuss, but we restrict ourselves to two topics in detail and one guest; a few other subjects do in fact get airtime! On this show we

Podcast #34 – Hockey, with New Kookaburras Coach Colin Batch, Netball and so much more…

Not the Footy Show Podcast

We’re back! As usual plenty to discuss. First of all thank you to Sean for his email suggesting a topic for discussion. To find out what he asked us to discuss download the podcast! If you have a topic you

Podcast #33 – Cricketer Greg Dyer, the Super Rugby debacle and Athlete Responsibility

There has been plenty happening in sport in recent weeks and in this podcast we look to try and cover off a few. On this show we have as our guest former Australian Wicketkeeper Greg Dyer. Following Virat Kohl branding

Podcast #32 – Are Administrators Paid too Much, The State of Rugby and a Retiring Hockey Umpire

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Well judging by the feedback and the increase in downloads you are liking the new format. Thank you for those who contacted us with feedback. ON this show we have one guest, a man who has umpired over 200 hockey