
Is It Time For No More Secrets?

There have been in recent weeks a number of elections across a number of sports, and as is often the way in any election the results have not pleased all. Sport as we know stirs up passion, and when it

Do Record-Breaking Feats Need To Be Put Into Context?

Sport is about competition. To many that competition is not as important as it is to those who earn a living from sport. Yet to many who will never be paid to play sport there is a still a strong

Has The Golden Goose Been Cooked?

This decade has started off as a testing one for sport and its broadcasters, and that is unlikely to change in the coming years. Television deals have been a major revenue stream for many sports. The top sports, in terms

Sporting Ties That Bind

When most people enter a sporting event or tournament the thought of cheating does not even enter their mind. Regrettably that cannot be said for everyone in the sporting world. Most sports fans have a few sports that they follow

Drawing A Long Bow?

No doubt most of us can remember being told as a child not do something. Don’t open that box, don’t look in that cupboard. As soon as we were told not to do something it made many of us more