
Should Testing Net Be Widened?

For those who listen to our podcasts, you may recall the topic of all supplies of Meldonium, the drug that Maria Sharapova had taken that is now on the banned list sold out on the internet within 48 hours. Many

Brazil Nuts?

There was a film in the 1980’s called ‘Blame it on Rio’ starring Sir Michael Caine and a young Demi Moore where the city was blamed for making men behave irrationally; in this case the older Michael has an affair

All We Can Know Is That We Know Nothing.

If Russian sport was on the ropes following its doping allegations in the world of Athletics the news that its pin-up girl in the world of Tennis, Maria Sharapova, has failed a drug test while participating at the Australian Open,

Is Money the Root of Evil, and Is it Killing Team Spirit?

For a long time many sports fans have been disgusted by the amounts of money the top players are paid to perform, and entertain. Others will argue that their time at the top is short so they deserve to make

No Sympathy

For many years the AFL has been striving for Global recognition as a sport. Yet despite the in-roads it made in South Africa and the UK it continued to remain parochial in terms of the way the sport was run.