
Podcast #25 – Gridiron, Squash, Kabaddi and so much more…

Time for another Podcast and for this episode we have two fantastic guests. First up we have Phoebe Schecter, American born, yet she had never played Gridiron until she moved to the UK. She is now not only Captain of

Laps Result in Coach Being Sacked

One of the complaints in Australia is that we are over governed. The key problem being that successive governments bring in new laws but rarely repeal old ones. Does the same apply in sport? Hopefully we are not as bad

Uncovering New Games

How many of you have ever heard of Mizo Inchai? No its not a person but a sport. One of the things Not the Footy has always enjoyed is finding obscure sports and featuring them on the show or the

Holy Cow

On the show we have often debated whether an activity is a sport or a pastime. What defines whether an activity is a sport or not? If it is whether you can bet on an outcome of an event then

Administrators on the Move

There are many former athletes and coaches who will tell you how limited the opportunities are in sport when that phase of your career comes to an end. In fact Cricket writer David Frith explored this very issue in his