
Podcast #76 & our 500th Show! – Under The Microscope The Failure Of The Sporting Pathway.

Fifteen years and six months since our very first show we have made it through to the magical 500! A big thank you to every guest that we have had on the show and also all who used to phone

Counting The Days

If society were operating the way that most of us would like it to operate there would be no need for day dedicated to a set cause. Sadly what these designated days have done is see many highlight an issue

At Sixes and Sevens? Or Should That Be Sixes and Fives?

Who remembers what an autostereogram is? It was the name for one of those pictures that looked like nothing, but when you stared at it for long enough the picture hidden inside suddenly became clear, and popped out at you.

Time to Support A Successful Sporting Institution.

This weekend the Hockeyroos and Kookaburras will be in action at the Perth Hockey Stadium in the FIH Pro League, and will be playing against Argentina. The Pro-League, in only its second year of existence is limping along, following a

Declined – Insufficient Funds

How many sports in Australia are self supporting? That is a question every sports fan or participant should be asking, and whether their sport is self supporting. The terrifying answer is that very few are , in other words they