
Time to Restore the Trust With Transparency

It was in December 2015 that the sporting world woke up to hear that law enforcement authorities had swooped and arrested many of the top officials in FIFA. Charges were laid against 18 individuals from 12 different countries. Those arrested

Losing its Lustre?

So often things are not as they may seem, and with the passing of time the truth can be distorted. In the modern world of marketers, spin-doctors and PR specialists this is even more the case today than it ever

No More Heroes Any More

They say that the heroes you have from the time you are 13 years old are the heroes that stay with you the rest of your life. Hopefully you have paused and thought about that for a second, and contemplated

The Decline of The Sports Report

The newspaper industry was without doubt one of the slowest to react to the dawn of the digital age. While some have now caught up and have a business model that not only works and is bringing in money, many

Podcast #92 – An Olympic Focus: Having Qualified for Tokyo Will South Africa’s Hockey Team Have The Money to Attend? Why Are The Games Going Ahead, and What Will The Sporting World Look Like After The Pandemic And After Tokyo 2021?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

This show has a strong focus on the upcoming delayed Tokyo Olympic Games. The South African Hockey team qualified for the RIO Olympic Games but failed to compete due to an agreement that had been reached between their own Hockey