
Is Anyone Paying The Piper?

Talk to anyone who was in Tokyo and what they experienced was very different to what was shared with the World. One of the clearest things to come out of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games is that as

Inspirational Athletes – 31 – An Anniversary Edition.

While Americans and many sports fans around the world celebrate gymnast Sunisa Lee winning the gold medal in the all round event in Tokyo, how many know the story of the first two Asian American athletes to win gold at

Turning Over The Tables

The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. A time when most of us sit back and watch in awe and admiration individuals who have worked tirelessly to be the best in their chosen event

The Olympic Games Oldest Champion’s Remarkable Journey

For many aspiring athletes their focus is to make it to the Olympic Games. For the few for whom that dream becomes a reality, the goal then becomes to win a medal. For the oldest surviving Olympic medallist her dream

Some Rules Are Made To Be Broken

The Tokyo Olympic Games will be an Olympic Games unlike any that has gone before. Not only will the covid restrictions make life interesting for the athletes, the judges, umpires, official timekeepers and all of those involved in the media,