
NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

First of all apologies for the time between podcasts but a family bereavement too priority. So this show is slightly longer than normal. We are sure that you will find that it was well worth the wait as we have

Boxed Into A Corner

There are many people who have managed to say things that make sense succinctly, and are then quoted regularly by the rest of us to sum up what we think or feel. One such quote is “You can please some

Lacking Support

There are many who will read this who remember the days before airlines had personal televisions in the back of every seat. When a screen would appear in the bulkhead, and you had to find a good angle to be

NTFS#129 – George Best Down Under, Scouting Young Talent, and Olympic Qualification.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

In this show our special guest is author Lucas Gillard who talks about his latest book “George Best Down Under.” The book looks at the four main trips that the great Northern Ireland and Manchester United player made to Australia

Money Talks

In many countries football is a key part of life. Clubs are steeped in over 100 years of history. That history has seen the clubs evolve and become many things to many people. The clubs are frequently a reflection of