When Will They Learn?
There is nothing better in any sport than a close competition. If it all comes down to the last game of the season as to who wins, who makes finals(In Australia) or who comes last and faces relegation. It epitomises
For sports fans far and wide
There is nothing better in any sport than a close competition. If it all comes down to the last game of the season as to who wins, who makes finals(In Australia) or who comes last and faces relegation. It epitomises
For many years there has been a radio station in Perth that has called itself the “Sports Leader” yet its behaviour in recent times has dragged sport back in time, rather than carried it forward into the future. This station
Sports administrators the world over must have a secret awards ceremony every year in which the body that makes the most ridiculous ruling wins the “Wally” award. The IOC would have to be in which a chance of making the
The founder of Twenty20 cricket Stuart Robertson has come out and warned administrators not to overdue the shortest form of the game. He is quoted as saying that “Twenty20 was always designed as a game for counties or states or
In last week’s issue of BRW they published a list of the top fifty highest paid sports stars from Australia. Greg Norman topped the list with earnings of $15million, closely followed by Basketballer Andrew Bogut with $14million. The top earning