Author: Ashley Morrison

The Times They are a Changing…

What an outstanding performance by the Perth Glory at the weekend, to win for the first time in Melbourne, and with a team lacking a number of expected first choices. This team finally showed that they were not going to

Puck and Roll

The Not The Footy Show team attended the Ice Hockey yesterday at Cockburn Ice Arena and watched the Perth Thunder win their first game against an AIHL side, and none- less than the current reigning champions the VIP Adelaide Adrenaline.

Anderson to Swing in Australia?

Immediately post match England captain Andrew Strauss said “I always maintain that when the ball is swinging there is no better bowler in the world than Jimmy and he was able to put a huge amount of pressure on their

Time For FIFA to Step In.

Michael Baird and Josh Mitchell were unveiled by Perth Glory back on May 4th yet their clearance has still not come through from their former club Universitatea Craiova, in Romania. The same applies to the Central Coast Mariners Josh Rose.

Bring The Noise

Last Friday night’s crowd for the opening game of the Hyundai A league season between Perth Glory and North Queensland Fury was superb, and all those who turned up deserve to be congratulated. The big question is will they be