Author: Ashley Morrison

Tut Tut Tuck

Rumour has it that there are a few people who are hot under the collar at the Perth Heat following their ABL Championship win at the weekend. The Honourable Terry “Tuck” Waldron Minister for sport and recreation in Western Australia

Inside Straight?

Could there be more at play in Athletics WA chief executive Wayne Loxley’s comments last week that if Australia is to bid for the 2019 world athletics championships, ‘an event of that size would be held at the new stadium.’

A Question of Honour

At the start of the Perth Glory season we questioned the selection of visa players in then state coach Peter Murphy’s Western Australia State team to take on the Glory. We believed that if non-residents were to be selected then

Anyone for a Game?

This weekend will see the Perth Glory head to Carnarvon for a game against the WA State League team to raise funds for the victims of the flooding in this region. Enough criticism has been raised about the timing of

Driving a Hard Bargain

Just as the V8’s return to Perth motorsport fans are faced with the possibility of not only losing the F1 event but also the MotoGP is on shaky ground. Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle is said to have upset