Many may not know that the City of London recently held its Mayoral elections, and the incumbent Boris Johnson managed to hold onto his mayoral robes against former Lord Mayor Ken Livingstone.
What is lightly ironic, with London hosting the Olympic games in just over two months, is that both candidates missed out on tickets in the ballot!
Johnson is fortunate that the Lord Mayor of London will play a key part in the pomp and ceremony of the Opening ceremony. To the victor go they spoils as they say!
However Mr Livingstone has friends in high places and Shadow Olympics Minister – yes there is such a role – Tessa Jowell, has gone into bat for him to be given a ticket after the work he put in when in office for London to secure the Games in the first place.
She will also be doing the same for former Labour Sports minister Richard Caborn, who also missed out in the ballot.
With millions of Britons disappointed to have missed out in the Ballot there may well be a rush to their local member to see if any strings can be pulled for worthy constituents, but we doubt that they will be as lucky as messers, Johnson, Livingstome and Caborn!