Attended an Australian Institute of Company Directors “Leaders lunch” today at which Michael Smith the Former Chairman of the birds of Prey in the sport we don’t mention, was joined on stage by Diane Smith-Gander Chair of Basketball Australia, Geoff Stooke Former Chair of Rugby WA and Liam Twigger Deputy Chair of Football West.
Sadly “Chatham House Rules” applied to what they had to say, which means that we cannot repeat anything that was actually said outside of the room, however there were plenty of interesting points that were raised and lessons that could be learned.
One that Football may benefit from in light of this latest review is to adopt a model similar to Rugby WA’s board structure.
Rugby WA appoints five board members from within the game, from their stakeholders, so that the game has representation at board level. The remaining five members are truly independent board members, to bring to the table good business skills and to add some balance on certain issues.
Times are forever changing and what was interesting to note, was that Basketball and Rugby both felt that social media had in the main been a huge benefit to their games and they suffered very little negativity; Football felt in their experience it was detrimental. Wonder if that was aimed at us?
Based on what was discussed two key lessons that came out of the lunch for the board of any sport were, involve and communicate with your stakeholders, and that board member terms of office are most effective if they are two or at most three year terms.
Supersub, Thanks as always I have to say that I concur. We should look at the structur eof football in this way, then the Glory players and fans are not held to ransom by a moody millionaire.
The problem is as you say, getting the right people at the top of the game.
Must say I enjoyed your last comment!
The structure of the Force is one the FFA should look at.
Rugby WA runs the local game and they run the Emirates Western Force.
Perth Glory should be run by the state organization and become a club of the people again.
The only problem is we have idiots running both. The fact that Paul Kelly has had a go at each shows we have the wrong people at the helm. What qualifies him to be a CEO? Or a board member for that matter?
Kucera could talk about doing things for years but whether he actually does anything is another matter.
A good structure but once again you have to have the right people involved, including a strong CEO in both organisations to make it work.
Laughed my head off that Football doesn’t like the internet! Again if they did a decent job and listened to the people they are suppoed to represent they would cop less criticisim.