We Are Sorry There Was No, Not The Footy Show Last Night,

For the first time in almost four years “Not The Footy Show” did not go to air last night in any form. For that we apologise, however the circumstances were beyond our control.
At 11.30 a.m. yesterday morning – Wednesday – the telephone line between the Maylands exchange and our transmitter at Belmont just 2.8 km away gave up the ghost. Our radio station that uses this line for it ADSL connection to link to its studios went off air.

It took an hour to determine that it was in fact a Telstra problem, and we were then assured it would be given the “highest priority,.” and would be sorted by the close of business yesterday.

Today the connection has still not been fixed and the station has been told it will be fixed by the close of business today!

We know if you are receiving this email that you are a fan of “Not The Footy Show,” and we thank you for listening, but the station is in fact Radio for the Print Handicapped, and therefore is an essential community service to sight impaired people in Perth.

This makes the 24 hours and more that the station has been off air all the more unacceptable. Telstra do not appear to be able to assist us, so that leaves only one person we can talk to… Senator Stephen Conroy, The Minister for Communications. If he is in Canberra his number is 02 6277 7480, if in his electorate in Melbourne 03 9408 0190 if you wish to verbally register your disgust, if you would rather email, his address is senator.conroy@aph.gov.au

It is certainly not acceptable that a public service such as RPH should be allowed to be off air for more than 24 hours, if you feel the same way we ask you to contact the senator.

Hopefully we will be back on air next week, and you will be tuning in again. Thank you for your understanding.

We Are Sorry There Was No, Not The Footy Show Last Night,
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