
You Cannot Put a Price on Integrity

Transparency and integrity are words that are frequently bandied about in the modern sporting world. Words that decades ago rarely needed to be mentioned, as at that time it was accepted by all that the majority in sport played and

Far From Pitch Perfect

Ask any Indian Hockey fan why there was 41 years between their hockey team winning an Olympic medal and the chances are most will tell you that the switch from a grass pitch to an artificial surface was a huge

Public Opinion – It Cuts Both Ways.

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” These words were uttered by French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, who passed away in 2007. He was respected globally for

Time To Give The Fans And Potential Fans Clarity

It was the former mayor of Carmel, movie star, and Hollywood director Clint Eastwood who said, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one.” There are many who will tell you that often assholes are the ones with opinions. That

Turning Over The Tables

The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. A time when most of us sit back and watch in awe and admiration individuals who have worked tirelessly to be the best in their chosen event