South Korea

Is There Equality When It Comes to Judging Coaches?

The unfortunate result of giving people the same title means that be they good or bad they are all lumped in together, be they politicians, managers or coaches. The good ones will ultimately survive the longest, that is as long

Endless Potential?

When it comes to sport there are few things worse than looking back and realising that individually or as a team you never fulfilled your potential. When one looks back on this current period of time many followers of the

Crossing The Line – Politics and Sport

“It used to be all about winning,” those were the words uttered by a top athlete from the United States about sport in his era, the 1980’s. “Now it’s about entertainment,” he added with a tone of regret. Few would

Paying A Price For The Past?

There is nothing sadder than witnessing a once great team unravel. The Australian Women’s Hockey team were the cream of the crop for a long time. Denied the opportunity to play at the 1980 Olympic Games the first in which

Oh Dear Sir

Have you ever heard of the saying, “They went to the well once too often?” It is said to be a saying that originates from the 14th century and basically means that you should not keep calling on the same