International Cricket Council

Knowing Your Boundaries

Most people will have heard of the term “overstepping one’s boundaries.” Trying to find where the phrase originates is not easy. The phrase means to do something that is not acceptable or allowed. For example he/she has overstepped the boundaries

Cricket Australia Embody “It’s Just Not Cricket”

Cricket was to many the ultimate game. It was a reflection on so many facets of life. It could be glorious and majestic, as well as unfair and at times downright frustrating. Sadly, and regrettably the game has become a

Neutrality Not Tied to Nationality

It is probably a fair statement to claim that probably the worst sports official you will ever come up against in all your years of playing will be the parent of one of your opponents. Regrettably these parents feel that

Podcast #53 – Former Kookaburra Mark Knowles, The ICC Make a Wise Decision, Is Selection at the FFA Linked to Marketing, and So Much More

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you for all your feedback on the last show and our interview with Brand expert David Mitchell, hopefully you will find this show just as interesting. Our guest on this show is a man who has to be one

Less Will Not Mean More in New Hockey Nine’s Format

Imagine waking up to find that all the rules of the road had been scrapped over night. You could drive on either side of the road at whatever speed you liked. Chaos would rule. The reason we have rules and