Football West

Opportunities and Expectations Await Football West’s New CEO

They say that everything comes to those who wait, and those words have come true for football in Western Australia as former Perth Glory player Jamie Harnwell has been revealed as the new CEO of Football West. Ever since the

They Only Come Out At Night

The Pre-season Night Series competition used to be a big event in Western Australian football. It is sad to see where the tournament is today from where it used to be.. No longer are all of the teams that play

Time to Look Locally?

Who will be the next Perth Glory Coach? That is the question around the football community in Perth. In an article on The World Game website four names were thrown up last week, all four already have an involvement at

Centre of Gravity

After seven years of campaigning Football in Western Australia had a reason to smile yesterday when the State government announced that it would stump up half of the $32.5million to create a State Football Centre. Needless to say many within