Not a Hat-Trick to Be Proud Of

In Baseball you have three strikes and you are out. In the modern-day workplace if you receive two warnings, a third indiscretion sees you shown the door. It would appear that in society, and in sport, the feeling is if

Where Does Western Australia Stand?

When Football West finally held their AGM for 2016 in March 2017 issues were raised as to whether the Standing Committees and Zone reps were in fact representing the stakeholders. It was hoped that this would be a seminal moment

Time For Accountability

In today’s world we frequently comment that people fail to take accountability for their actions, instead they look to pass the buck, blame others for an outcome or a wrong decision made. In sport there is no hiding from those

Is Change Around the Corner?

The good news is that Football West has finally announced a date for its AGM, the one that should have by law been held in 2016, it will be held on March 31st. This happens to be the very last