Looking After A Legend From Another Sport

There are times when the actions of a sportsman warms your heart and restores your faith that not everyone is in it just for the money. It was great to read in the past 24 hours that Pakistan Cricketer Shahid

How Long Can Oceania Survive?

Is there a place in International sport for Oceania? This questions has been murmured for years, but is it time that the World’s sporting bodies seriously looked at Oceania, and considered a better option for qualification to World Cup Finals

Just When I Needed You Most

The Hockey Pro-League which is due to be launched in January 2019 is a competition that many believe will revolutionise international Hockey. As with any major changes in life there are those who are in favour of this new competition

Merging Rather Than Axing May Be The Key In Australian Super Rugby

It was we believe the Daily Telegraph that broke the news first that the Western Force were to be the Australian Super Rugby team axed when the competition gets trimmed back to fifteen. The opening line of their article read

Patience, and Faith in Youth Can Deliver a Dream

Patience is a real virtue in modern-day sport, but sadly very few club owners, administrators or even national associations seem to possess this virtue. In 2005 the Junior Hockey World Cup was played in Rotterdam. In the final Argentina defeated